Demo appears after installing licensed Java Barcode Package

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Demo appears after installing licensed Java Barcode Package


If “Demo” appears in the barcodes when using the Java Barcode Package, then the demo jar file is still in the CLASSPATH of the machine that is creating the barcodes. Please use the following steps to remove the Demo jar file:

  1. Reboot the server or computer that is creating the barcodes.
  2. Look at the CLASSPATH environment variable and examine every directory in the CLASSPATH. In Windows, it is viewed by typing in the command line “SET CLASSPATH” at the prompt.
  3. Remove the associated DEMO packages that were installed. Remember, these can be installed either as JAR files or in a directory structure such as com.idautomation etc.
  4. Download the purchased product again from the download link.
  5. Place the new downloaded product in the CLASSPATH.
  6. It may be necessary to re-compile the application depending on the implementation.
  7. Restart the server or computer that is creating the barcodes. A restart is usually necessary because the classes can be cached.